WeHelp NOLA is a locally owned and operated organization that provides free, large-scale mental health care access to restaurant industry workers throughout New Orleans.

These services are offered free of charge through extremely low-cost memberships with our participating restaurant owners. Through these monthly memberships, we are able to compensate participating practitioners, businesses, studios, and coaches all providing services through WeHelp at a sliding scale or donation based rate. 

WeHelp NOLA is on the forefront of necessary and progressive solutions to systemically improve a community in desperate need of mental health support. 

Restaurant and hospitality industry related jobs are found to be, in the high stress- low control career categories, the most physically and emotionally taxing jobs within the marketplace.  Couple that emotional distress with long hours, poor sleep, a workplace driven by alcohol and drug abuse, little to no provided health care access or support provided by your employer, and you find yourself in the reality of restaurant industry life within New Orleans.

WeHelp NOLA is the only company in New Orleans working to build a partnership between the restaurant employer and the mental health care community in order to actively and vastly reshape our industry support and provide tangible solutions to improving the quality of life for all its constituents. The importance here is to make sure our community, and in turn our city, is thriving. In order to thrive, we must develop innovative partnerships that aid and assist our workforce. The more we allow our workers to crumble under the enormous pressure we place upon them, the more we continue to see our industry crumble.

WeHelp is dedicated to improving the quality of lives for your employees, and in turn, improving the quality of the product your business puts forth. Business owners and leaders have the opportunity to be on the forefront of a system that progressively reshapes and positively enhances the community around them. 



Olivia McCoy


Blair Daspit




Foundation Partners